Show reel

Two of my films are showing at Zigmond Vimos ASC HSC film festival _ 2022 for cinematographers in Budapest. The festival was founded in memory of the Oscar-winning cinematographer Zsigmond Vilmos, who was born in Szeged, Hungary.
How many times have you watched a film that was beautifully shot yet left you empty as a drum at its conclusion? Conversely, you’ve no doubt seen many that were photographically sloppy yet have retained their emotional power years after the fact.
I wasn’t one of those kids who always knew what they wanted to do when they grew up. I went through all the usual phases and obsessions, but the vast portion of my interest concerned archeology. An elective film course in Tata institute of social science, Mumbai put me on the path and I found […]
“Forget the camera. The nature of the story determines the photographic style. Understand the story and make the most out of it. If the audience is conscious of tricks and effects, the cameraman’s genius, no matter how great it is, is wasted.” This quote, made by the legendary Gregg Toland, ASC,
. EnergaCAMERIMAGE International Film Festival of the Art of CinematographyTails of men selected for the international competition of the third edition of the OKO International Ethnographic Film Festival! Festival will take place in Toruń, Poland, within the framework of the prestigious EnergaCAMERIMAGE Film Festival of the Art of Cinematography.…/miedzynarodowy-festiwal-filmow…/…/
What I do have is an enormous storehouse of references and impressions, many of which have touched me deeply and somehow express themselves through my work.